What am I trying to achieve?
What are you trying to achieve with your story?
I am trying to achieve a very interesting film, that will be good enough to make people want to watch it. I not only want people to watch it but I want to be satisfied with my creation and know I did my best, as well as put a lot of effort and determination into it. I also do not want it to be basic or generic either, I want it to be mysterious, but yet scary. I want you to be able to question what is going to happen, and not assume. With typical horror films they always give me a chance to assume what is going to happen next, this is not what I want for mine. While watching my film you need to be prepared to expect the unexpected.
Do you plan to produce with a large studio or a smaller, independent company? Why?
I plan to produce my film with a smaller independent company. I chose small and independent because I feel as if this is best, in regards to the fact that I have never done this before. I have done research and it says that small companies are used typically when there is not much funding nor has it been involved in any big budget productions. I have not done/have either so I will stick with a small company to be on the safe side.
How will you "sell" your film and make back everyone's money?
I will advertise this film as much as I possibly can, the more people who come across it the better. Maybe with posters or flyers, as well as messaging people about it in a polite manner. Possibly asking them if they can watch it as well as to share it with others they know.
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